Armageddon, what is it? A Summary!
Type: a study
Relevance: prophecy
Text: "And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon." Revelation 16:16
Armageddon = 'a Hebrew word' (See Rev. 16:16)
= 'Har' + 'Megiddo' (Thayer, Strong)
= 'mount/mountain of Megiddo'
= 'rendezvous' (Strong)
= 'place of multitudes' (Jones)
= 'place of crowds' (Gesenius, tr. Tregelles)
= 'place of troops' (Gesenius, tr. Robinson)
= place of congregating'? (me)
Armageddon = 'mount of the congregation' (see Is. 14:13; Ps. 48:2)
= Mount Zion
= place of the temple
= place of the ongoing Investigative Judgment
Relevance: prophecy
Text: "And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon." Revelation 16:16
Armageddon = 'a Hebrew word' (See Rev. 16:16)
= 'Har' + 'Megiddo' (Thayer, Strong)
= 'mount/mountain of Megiddo'
= 'rendezvous' (Strong)
= 'place of multitudes' (Jones)
= 'place of crowds' (Gesenius, tr. Tregelles)
= 'place of troops' (Gesenius, tr. Robinson)
= place of congregating'? (me)
Armageddon = 'mount of the congregation' (see Is. 14:13; Ps. 48:2)
= Mount Zion
= place of the temple
= place of the ongoing Investigative Judgment
The eyes of a world must and will be turned to the Judgment and
the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world!
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