The Prophecy Studies
One of our goals for these studies is to progress systematically, first, through the book of Daniel and then through the book of Revelation. That said, as you progress through the studies, you will quickly realize that the books of Daniel and Revelation are very interconnected and as such cannot be cleanly separated, but we will do the best that we can. Our primary goal is to get the cutting information contained in these two prophetic books out as quickly as possible without weakening the message. These two goals tend to be at odds with one another but by God's grace and through his guidance everything will come out right.
Main Study Path
Introduction to Prophecy
The Structure (or Message) of Daniel 2-7: A Weapon for Our TimesDaniel, the Basics
Daniel 2 and 7, parallels!Revelation
Structure of Revelation 1-16Armageddon, what is it? A Summary!
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